2022-09-10 (Saturday)
Drunk Mel Gibson Arrest Diorama - YouTube
Very, very good video that you should watch. No, really. (via @genmon)
@AshleySmith0288 @guardian By their editorials. By their opinion writers. By their letters. By the angle they take when reporting news, or what news they do or don't report. If all else fails, by who they support at elections.
@dotcode I'm definitely after the daily "here's what we reckon are the important things that happened yesterday, plus some random cultural things" that a newspaper does. Only less wet.
@bevangelist @guardian That was the one!
@guardian About the Queen or the monarchy, to be fair. I think there was one article that was slightly, "maybe the monarchy might not be an entirely brilliant thing for some countries?" but I can't find it now.
Never have I wished more for an actual left-leaning daily "newspaper" than when swiping through the sixty – 60! – articles about the Queen in today's @guardian iPad edition.
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I picked a really bad day to get the train to London dressed entirely in black. A middle-aged couple just smiled softly at me as I sat down. They do not understand that I am going to see Machine Head