2022-06-16 (Thursday)
Good examples of why "Home Taping Is Killing Music" was nonsense. I bought a lot of albums after playing these cassettes over and over and over again and wanting to hear more.
And, even better, here's a playlist of the Brian Eno tape I copied off @drinkotheweeksb back then. I'd never heard of Eno before and this compilation was *amazing* to me. Thanks Ted! open.spotify.com/playlist/6MYEl…
While I'm at it, here's another tape Darren made me back then, an introduction to David Sylvian, on a TDK SF-90. Pure, pure gold. Although I may have fast-forwarded over 'Gone To Earth' occasionally. open.spotify.com/playlist/470Up…
Given Kate Bush's renewed popularity, I made this Spotify playlist from the tracks on a TDK SA-90 cassette my friend Darren – a big fan – made for me in the late 1980s. Just missing a couple of B-sides. open.spotify.com/playlist/6fAfN…
@joroach Excellent. Happy grass.
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