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2022-05-14 (Saturday)



  • philgyford’s avatar

    @AshleySmith0288 The Claire Tomalin one? It’s a good read! Restoration London by Liza Picard is also good - not Pepys specific but gives a good sense of what the place was like.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @AshleySmith0288 Not at the end of the month, but in January - he started writing on Jan 1st. It’ll be all the better for having a break :)

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @JamesWallis Pace yourself James!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @dracos There’s also the next time I get rid of my database and start from the legacy db again. I run migrate with fake-initial but I imagine this one migration would cause a problem. I don’t know.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @dracos I wanted a way to do it without using fake so that that one migration wouldn’t have to be treated differently - both production server and other dev would have to use fake for that one migration, but not others. But maybe I’ve missed something / overthought it?

  • philgyford’s avatar

    #Django folks, yesterday I was trying to add a field to a model, for a column that already existed in the database (don’t ask). It was surprisingly tricky and I feel there must be an easier way than what I answered myself with… Any ideas?