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2020-06-17 (Wednesday)


  • philgyford’s avatar

    @designscold @crouchingbadger @pretendoffice Oh of course. You may need to come into the office (it'll be great to see someone else after all these months!) and pick up Terry's eMac and take it to her. Isn't she at her mum's in Aberdeen? Anyway, after she's quarantined the mac she might be able to open the spreadsheet.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @crouchingbadger @designscold @pretendoffice Good point. Of course, the password spreadsheet only opens in an old version of ClarisWorks so you'll have to ask Terry if you can use her old Mac. She's only in on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @designscold @pretendoffice If you go to People & Processes they should be able to tell you who took over from Donald after his, er, accident. If you find that person (probably somewhere in the super-basement) they should be able to print you off the correct request form.

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  • isabelzawtun’s avatar

    You think I care about losing followers? Buddy in my day we wrote a 3 paragraph blog post to NOBODY and we freakin loved it