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2018-06-13 (Wednesday)



  • philgyford’s avatar

    @whoisdanw Yeah… making these decisions for every single site seems a little too fine-grained.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    And, of course, I can just add it to Pocket and read the entire thing without clicking either button or seeing any of the site’s advertising and how does the internet even work any more we’re all doomed burn it all down what have we done.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Like this. On the one hand, it’s great that sites are being (or having to be) more up front about this. On the other, I can’t be bothered to read this, never mind check the preferences, but I’ll fear I’m doing something terrible if I simply click ‘I Agree’. So, bye.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    I’ve seen news stories in the past about the number of MPs who went to private schools and/or Oxbridge, often based on… But has anyone seen MP-level data anywhere, as opposed to the aggregated percentages?

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @jaggeree I went through and manually unchecked every one of those. Which I assume puts me into some special category of advertising targets.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @antimega I can’t remember which site it was this morning that had a big modal cookie pop-up, with tinted full-window background… life’s too short.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Camden Town, London, United Kingdom

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @infovore @0898CHEATHCO @thegareth @blech And having “Members hours” only at their standard 9-10am on a couple of days also seems broken for something like this.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    On the plus side, I can just hit the Back button, or close the tab, and I save a lot of time that would be spent reading these sites. Every cookie has a silver lining.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Now all these sites are showing big pop-ups asking me to read lots of stuff and then Accept or Manage cookie settings, I look back fondly on the days of being annoyed by tiny “We set cookies, OK?” banners.