2017-07-31 (Monday)
@dracos I can’t remember the book (it was 25 years ago) but either way, I still felt [German word].
@matlock Yeah. It’s so very good, but [German word].
German word for realisation during final moments of an otherwise good TV series that the story won’t end because it makes too much money.
“…is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait for the arrival of a one-time passcode.”
@crouchingbadger @genmon And I seem to remember a lot of the Earth stuff just looked normal. Normal countryside. Not *everything* had to change to be The Future.
@crouchingbadger @genmon Creaky, but I still remember it as good. Some good mundane sci-fi on Earth, like a small hardware box assistant with voice interface.
@AskNationwide Are your one-time codes working? I requested one by phone, one by email about 10 mins ago, but nothing arrived yet… Thanks.