2017-02-28 (Tuesday)
@AllSevenSeasons Mary’s away most of April so we thought we should get ahead.
@AllSevenSeasons We’ve charged into season 4. We seem short of other things to watch.
Imagine the cost to business, globally, of all kinds of spam. Such a drag on everything. twitter.com/textfiles/stat…
@philgyford We had an experiment in auto-spam detection that failed miserably and I'm still cleaning up after it.
@textfiles Thanks again, and all the best.
@philgyford Fixed.
@textfiles I’d have felt better if the message indicated what happened, i.e., it was automated rather than someone deciding I’d done wrong.
@textfiles Ugh, sorry to hear that. Such a pain, and cost, whatever the platform.
@textfiles ! Wow, thanks! Any idea why it disappeared? Very kind of you.
Obviously, I’m an idiot and also no longer have the original scan because it’s safe on archive.org, oh yes.
Dammit. I uploaded a 1952 mag to archive,org and it’s no longer available “due to issues with the item's content.” gyford.com/phil/writing/2…
@mildlydiverting Gifts for people you don’t know very well and appear to have no interests or character.