2017-02-23 (Thursday)
There are amazing folk on StackExchange answering so many Qs so well. Thanks recently to stackoverflow.com/users/548225/a… and wordpress.stackexchange.com/users/4771/milo
BINGO! An incredible journey using the phrase “incredible journey”. Always extra satisfying/sad-making. ourincrediblejourney.tumblr.com/post/157618156…
@jamesjefferies I am thinking of you in this difficult time.
There’s nothing like trying to update a phpBB website to appreciate how good WordPress’s automatic update processes are.
@greateranglia After 11.5 minutes they’ve agreed to stop sending me the promotional emails I’d already opted out of. We’ll see what happens…
@greateranglia Stop sending me emails about my booked tickets! I’ve asked not to receive this stuff. phil@gyford.com . Thanks.