2016-12-23 (Friday)
GoogleChrome/lighthouse: Auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for Progressive Web Apps
Chrome extension that makes a nice report about websites. (via @dracos)
I’ve been watching some Polish guys fill a silage bunker with grass in Farming Simulator for an hour. I want bed but it’s nearly full!
OK, time for Christmas. Let’s see if I can manage two entire weeks without opening a text editor or Terminal… 🎄🍰🧀🍷📖📺
Buying MP3s for 79p/99p when I have Spotify feels like madness but also like a treat. Like I’ve saved my pocket money to go record shopping.
I bought a bunch of MP3s of tracks I’ve liked recently and it feels like I’m back playing a stack of 7″ singles like in the olden days.
@WhichUK This, on your homepage, seems a little wrong.
A message on @bankwithsmile’s woeful new website about how digital they are. I have to scroll right to see the “OK” button to get anywhere.
@rachelcoldicutt @mildlydiverting I want to respond but Twitter is rubbish for discussions. Thanks for replying and you are not a plonker :)
@rachelcoldicutt @mildlydiverting It’s infuriating the zoom level isn’t clear. I spent ages solving a problem for someone once; same thing.
@mildlydiverting No rush! Good luck with the move.