2016-11-27 (Sunday)
@dwlt Ta. I think we might end up with a Bosch, only a different model.
@tomcoates Yeah, we’re hoping for a new-fangled “electric” one. I hear they’re the next big thing after internet-connected kettles.
@aegirthor Does look nice and simple, thanks. Although a bit slow and no water gauge…
@Zoonie It’s odd - the Dualit ones have good Which? reviews… and lots of readers saying they’re leaky! I don’t like their appearance anyway.
Given the level of interest to my kettles question I assume there must be, or should be, a Small Domestic Appliances Chat podcast.
@cityofsound I’m finding Which? the most useful tool so far. Visiting shops was rubbish - nowhere has LOADS to choose from.
@designscold I succumbed and you are right - best thing so far for narrowing he choices down.
@designscold But I’d have to pay for that, and random reckons from people are free! Hmm.