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2016-11-17 (Thursday)


  1. You Are Still Crying Wolf | Slate Star Codex

    Good on keeping some of the Trump stuff in perspective. Yes, he’s terrible but the media tends to focus on certain things out of all proportion to their actual importance or relevance.


  • philgyford’s avatar

    @ade_oshineye Brighter lights, higher ceilings, more dark grey, more space for eat-now food. Seems nice, but I’m not very fussy :)

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Now the white lights of the refurbished Waitrose offered a new future. He hoped they hadn’t moved products around much; that’s so annoying.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Those in the BA, RCC, BRC and house groups, plus the aldermen and councilmen, hadn’t had to trap birds on their concrete balconies like him.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    The last of his supplies had disappeared into the redistribution system put in place by the committees, from which no food ever emerged.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    He couldn’t remember how long it had been shut. The Barbican’s red tiled pedways were now covered in broken glass, empty tins, dried blood.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    He paused as the shutters of Waitrose Barbican rattled slowly open. Maybe there was no need to kill this squirrel. But he was hungry.