2016-08-16 (Tuesday)
It helps when your country’s doing well, but all the smiles, and the opponents congratulating each other… the Olympics can be so lovely.
Phew. The biking Olympics worth staying up for.
@GennHutchison Ha! It always delivers.
@GennHutchison “Are we the baddies?” m.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1Vxa…
@holgate @rooreynolds Dear oh dear.
@tomstuart Thanks!
I got round to developing some black & white photos I took during the London Olympics flickr.com/photos/philgyf… They make it look a bit gloomy
@gilest I thought they were some lyrics and I was trying to guess the song until I got to the end. I don’t know it.
@mala I’ve been enjoying following cityboundsim.com a SimCity type game. Started in JavaScript, after two years started again in C++.
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Very much believe in usefulness of prototyping, but would happily never build one ever again.
@Brave_UX @yoz I have opened some issues on your repository, hope that’s helpful: github.com/BraveUX/websit…