2016-07-12 (Tuesday)
@ocdtrekkie Thanks! Nothing says “we’re so sorry” like a throwaway, jokey sign-off! ourincrediblejourney.tumblr.com/post/147295503…
@gilest @markhurrell Hmm, and the Empire’s retros don’t appear to follow “no blame” culture…
@gilest @markhurrell You’re right, it does sound like a typical outsourced government contract. What a mess.
@gilest @markhurrell Presumably it took a multi-disciplinary team to build the Death Star too…
@cityofsound I timed sitting in a cafe perfectly for the period during which it wasn’t raining. Good luck!
It’s been some years since I got that wet on a bike. 🌊🚴🌊 I had to wring out my socks and pants.