2016-07-09 (Saturday)
@tomcoates Think of thomething that really annoyth you?
Which I say as someone who can’t bear to read even the ledes of most columnists’ unbearable paid-blog-posts-in-newspapers.
Not the first to say it, but everything Marina Hyde’s written over the past fortnight has been gold, including this: theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
Liked tweets
Well, that worked out well then twitter.com/David_Cameron/…
Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: facebook.com/DavidCameronOf…
Theresa May's leadership campaign so far
#Leadsom: we need to think of our children's future.
Young people: we overwhelmingly want to stay in the EU.
Leadsom: no.