2016-03-30 (Wednesday)
@benbrown Well done! 🤖👍
“Exceptional Benefits… Annual Leave (13 days)… Sick Leave (13 days)…” Awww, American jobs, you cute, funny little things! *pinches cheek*
@tomcoates Wouldn’t it be good! Whenever I come across a rare article on TV in the LRB or NYRB or something as wordy, I do enjoy it.
@jonty @thatnatbuckley @genmon @iamdanw No problem! I ended up going yesterday too, so I don’t *need* to go today tbh…
The London Review of Telly
1. Standard desk
2. Adjustable desk
3. Standing desk
4. Treadmill desk
5. Hedonic treadmill desk
Decent writing about TV seems in such short supply. It’s usually so brief and lacking depth. eg, compared to decent movie or book reviewing.
I’m sad that @AndrewCollins’ weekly Telly Addict videos are ending at @guardian. But I’m happy he has a new TV blog: tellyaddict.wordpress.com
@gwire Fair enough. So long as you write it yourself. By which I mean “have someone else write it about you”.
@gwire Can you explain your position in a blog?
@ntlk Jekyll: Get up and running in seconds; spend an hour faffing before publishing every blog post.
Continually shuffling sites along language, framework, package, etc versions seems the best way to keep them alive in the long term.
Moved pepysdiary.com from Django 1.7 to 1.8 to 1.9. Only one error so far. *Crosses fingers, sacrifices a goat, does a dance.*
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@philgyford commisioned portraits are technically "self portraits", right?