2016-03-04 (Friday)
@annegalloway It’s a good question :)
@annegalloway To demonstrate what a team can do in order to release enough funding for the real thing.
@annegalloway To get to the point where you know what some of the final 20% of work (that will take 80% of the time) will be.
@annegalloway To allow the making of a thing while managing the expectations of everyone involved.
@matlock Yeah, likewise. I can no longer tell apparently fashionable design from a cock-up.
@matlock I was just wondering this too and googled and it’s supposed to look like that! style-anywhere.com/2016/01/07/cel… Fashion, eh!
@beekernortham Ha, oh right! There's certainly no shortage of futile grammatical campaigns for me to enjoy during my vesperal freedom!
City of London, London, United Kingdom
@beekernortham "emojis" v "emoji"? I like the awkwardness of emojis but would obviously not use it in formal correspondence. Yours faithfull
City of London, London, United Kingdom
"Vesperal freedom," Kundera's (or his translator's) phrase for the liberation artists feel in declining years. via nybooks.com/articles/2015/…
City of London, London, United Kingdom
Interesting thought… as pointed to by @gwire, maybe it’s to do with Japanese language syntax - word order: superlinguo.com/post/130501329…
@gwire Oh, interesting! If I ever noticed the order thing when learning Japanese, I’d forgotten it.
This is your chance to give feedback on future plans to modify emojis in terms of direction (and other things): twitter.com/roozbehp/statu…
@philgyford @FakeUnicode I believe @Evertype had a hand in that. But right-pointing is coming. Comments welcome: unicode.org/review/pri321/
FWIW, horizontal Japanese text reads from left to right, as a few people wondered about that.
It appears lots of people are interested in talking about emojis.
@Zoonie Is that right to left in terms of pages, or the words? Latter is left to right, if horizontal.
@maxgadney Understood… just feels backward in a Western-and-modern-Japanese left-to-right sentence.
@Zoonie Modern Japanese is usually horizontal left-to-right, instead of columns from right-to-left.
@arsatiki Maybe, although modern Japanese is usually horizontal left-to-right, instead of columns from right-to-left.
Why do all the sideways emojis point to the left? 🐒🐴🐗🐠🐋🐫🐀🏊🚴🏻🚕🚚🚝🚄⛴🚤 etc. Not many exceptions 🚀🛳🛫🛩🐌