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2016-03-04 (Friday)


  • philgyford’s avatar

    @annegalloway It’s a good question :)

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @annegalloway To demonstrate what a team can do in order to release enough funding for the real thing.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @annegalloway To get to the point where you know what some of the final 20% of work (that will take 80% of the time) will be.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @annegalloway To allow the making of a thing while managing the expectations of everyone involved.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @matlock Yeah, likewise. I can no longer tell apparently fashionable design from a cock-up.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @matlock I was just wondering this too and googled and it’s supposed to look like that!… Fashion, eh!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @beekernortham Ha, oh right! There's certainly no shortage of futile grammatical campaigns for me to enjoy during my vesperal freedom!

    City of London, London, United Kingdom

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @beekernortham "emojis" v "emoji"? I like the awkwardness of emojis but would obviously not use it in formal correspondence. Yours faithfull

    City of London, London, United Kingdom

  • philgyford’s avatar

    "Vesperal freedom," Kundera's (or his translator's) phrase for the liberation artists feel in declining years. via…

    City of London, London, United Kingdom

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Interesting thought… as pointed to by @gwire, maybe it’s to do with Japanese language syntax - word order:…

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @gwire Oh, interesting! If I ever noticed the order thing when learning Japanese, I’d forgotten it.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    This is your chance to give feedback on future plans to modify emojis in terms of direction (and other things):…

    roozbehp’s avatar

    @philgyford @FakeUnicode I believe @Evertype had a hand in that. But right-pointing is coming. Comments welcome:

  • philgyford’s avatar

    FWIW, horizontal Japanese text reads from left to right, as a few people wondered about that.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    It appears lots of people are interested in talking about emojis.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @Zoonie Is that right to left in terms of pages, or the words? Latter is left to right, if horizontal.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @maxgadney Understood… just feels backward in a Western-and-modern-Japanese left-to-right sentence.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @Zoonie Modern Japanese is usually horizontal left-to-right, instead of columns from right-to-left.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @arsatiki Maybe, although modern Japanese is usually horizontal left-to-right, instead of columns from right-to-left.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Why do all the sideways emojis point to the left? 🐒🐴🐗🐠🐋🐫🐀🏊🚴🏻🚕🚚🚝🚄⛴🚤 etc. Not many exceptions 🚀🛳🛫🛩🐌