2015-12-09 (Wednesday)
The Beginning of the End of Big Government IT | MetaFilter
Good discussion of this stuff, with calm defences by danhon and migurski in the face of (understandable) cynicism that sees the private sector as either big, dumb corporates or small, dumb Silicon Valley techbros. (via @neb)
@edwardhorsford @dzuelke Although if you have > 1 static sites, and don’t want them to sleep for 6 hrs a day, shared hosting is cheaper.
@edwardhorsford @dzuelke @heroku Yup, that’s it. Adding git or any command line stuff adds a lot more to learn and then forget :)
@edwardhorsford @dzuelke On the plus side, they have no preconceptions about other ways to make a website live. So nothing to unlearn!
@edwardhorsford @dzuelke It’s more that I’m trying to teach basics of HTML, CSS and JS in very little time - so simpler the better.
@dzuelke @edwardhorsford Got it working, thanks for the help. Not too tricky - I may try this out with the students tomorrow!
@dzuelke @edwardhorsford Ah thanks. The Dropbox Sync page assumes you already know what files your app should contain :)
@dzuelke @edwardhorsford How did you set the buildpack to use? Setting a BUILDPACK_URL config var is deprecated and I’m trying to avoid cli.
@derivadow @revdancatt @thatnatbuckley Dropbox is sounding good. Wondering if there’s a benefit to using devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dropb…
@Zoonie @revdancatt (Where by ‘feature’ I mean ‘complicated extra thing that a small %ege will use’.)
@Zoonie @revdancatt Yeah, except every person wants one extra feature, and adding features makes services look like better value. But yes.
@Zoonie @revdancatt But it’d be nice, given larger numbers online, if there was a relatively non-complicated way for others.
@Zoonie @revdancatt I think the kinds of people who would do this stuff in 90s are still OK with learning complicated stuff.
@revdancatt @thatnatbuckley If this was more ‘The best way to make your permanent online home’ it’d be worth spending more time+money on it.
@revdancatt @thatnatbuckley It’s partly complicated by wanting something quick, cheap/free, and not necessarily permanent.
@luke_duke @tomp I live in a dream world! :)
@luke_duke @tomp Yeah, although I’d like it to be something they can do again more independently, so no template. Just their static files.
@thatnatbuckley I’m going to try and find time to write up some of the options people have suggested. Hopefully some/one will be OK…
@luke_duke @tomp I’ll have a look. I hope to be proved wrong, because I’m frustrated with how complicated making a very simple website is.
@luke_duke @tomp I mean, some don’t entirely understand where their files and folders are on their computer.
@luke_duke @tomp I think you underestimate how complex git is, web UI or no, to people who are entirely new to making web pages.
@hugovk Heroku’s Dropbox sync sounds like a promising way of doing this… I’m going to investigate later.
@hugovk But still, it’s the tip of a very complicated iceberg that I’d prefer not to mention at this point!
@andrewn Interesting, I’ll have a look, thanks. Similarly, Heroku’s Dropbox sync looks promising.
@andrewn Yeah, it’s a shame. And even if I can get them set up, I’d feel I was leaving them with something they wouldn’t know how to fix.
@andrewn Yeah, nice, but I’m not going to start teaching people whose brains are already over-full of HTML, CSS, JS about npm.
@cityofsound Yes, so good. I don’t often think “This looks too good for telly.”