2015-10-28 (Wednesday)
Russell Davies: Electric Coast to Coast
A lovely write-up and nice daily photos of his walk.
@RodBegbie Beautiful, thank you.
@Zoonie It was a couple of years ago. I’m briefly in the trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=QRxBBA…
“Trying to keep a straight face when working with Phil Gyford was difficult.” allonfive.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/interv… NB: Acting, not looking at my code.
@dracos Thanks. I think I’m only interested in his TV thoughts though :)
If you like watching telly Andrew Collin’s Telly Addict really is worth 10 mins a week. theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/s… I seem to like what he does.
@schulze @tomstuart I would pay to see the two of you LARPing around.
@jtauber Yeah. Even knowing zero Greek I concluded that was unusual.