2015-07-23 (Thursday)
Rain.today - Your Daily Source of Natural Rain Sounds
“A stochastic audio engine generates a realistic rain shower by randomly drawing sounds from different categories such as light rain, heavier rain, thunder, and water sounds.” (via Interconnected)
Previously, On Arrested Development : NPR
Charting all the running gags over four seasons, including their foreshadowing events. So good. (via Kottke)
@DeanVipond Awww, what a shame. Never mind though - I'm sure the others will have a good holiday without you.
@hondanhon Sorry, not interested then, but good luck!
@hondanhon Depends… is it a Double Decker?
Britain! Season 4 of 'Parks and Recreation' starts on Dave on Monday! Don't say no one told you!
@fascinated Quitter. Stand up and fight like a man! Yes, it'll be a doomed advance across a thankless no-mans-land, but still.
A good example of when using "blogs" to mean "blog posts" is ambiguous: twitter.com/betonykelly/st…
If you're interested in our work on Government as a Platform, you can see all our @GDSTeam blogs so far here: bit.ly/1CRMmG2
A brilliant document: gov.uk/government/pub…. Also, confused over the date in the document and the earlier “Last updated” on the page.
@holgate @tomcoates @Suw But why go to the bother of updating stats, adding Adobe deal? Why not only double the price?
@tomcoates It has improved, but that does feel like twice the old price for less benefit.
@danburzo @deplorableword @rooreynolds Yeah, that seems to be it. Thanks both. If *we* find the web baffling sometimes…
Re previous question about that @cshirky link on Google, this seems to be the consensus: twitter.com/jwheare/status…
@rooreynolds @philgyford it looks like that url is serving different content depending on the referer/user agent, so maybe a hacked cms
@rooreynolds Really? If I do that I get the google redirect, which redirects to the pill store.
@rooreynolds @cshirky I know, exactly!
What’s this pill store done for Google to make it look like a genuine @cshirky URL? It leads elsewhere. (2nd result)
@whoisdanw I can’t work out why shirky.com/writings/situa… works, but the link to it from Google search results goes to pill stores…
@paulpod Are you drunk? You must be drunk.
@tomstuart Ah well, it was a good dream while it lasted!
@benterrett “I encourage talented people … to become members of the panel.” Nothing at all about how to do so or how the recruitment works.
@iamdanw Yo!
@eliothill That’s pretty much my only memory of it too :)
Remember Branch? Surprise surprise, it had an Incredible Journey! ourincrediblejourney.tumblr.com/post/124824431… (Just did a sweep of my Drafts, journeys-to-be.)
@cityofsound When I read that I wondered if "has" should have been "had", given the remainder of the letter.
(I know the app’s original days.am domain is now gone; I’m preparing to sound the Incredible Journey foghorn again.)
Anyone know if this Days iOS app still exists? web.archive.org/web/2014120723… Can’t see it in app store, but that might be Apple’s shonky search.
@wander Does the Days app still exist? I can't find it on the iOS app store, but wondering if it's just Apple's terrible search. Thanks.
@0898CHEATHCO Ta, but not for me. I’m so behind the times it’s like June 2015 here!
I’m guessing that’s it ta. I’ll be patient RT @mattsheret From what @flaneur has tweeted it looks like it's rolling out over a little while.
.@phl If I search for ‘Discover Weekly’ I get one playlist made in April by user ‘Sof SK’.
.@blogjam @ade_oshineye Thanks, but it’s not there in my playlists. Maybe because I’ve managed to stay on the legacy £5/month plan… grrr.
@break2bits Thanks for that. It’s only an Incredible Journey if they close the original service, but I’ve saved a copy… and will wait!
This “Spotify Discover Weekly” thing I’ve seen people mention sounds great… but I can’t see it anywhere. Where/what is it?
@holgate @hondanhon I love the "think outside your box" photo. It's just a man lying on the floor! Get up! Your shirt's dirty!