2015-06-23 (Tuesday)
Greetings from a Ghost Town | Technoccult
On having a code name for the area where you live. (via Warren Ellis’s newsletter)
And yet…
Me: "How do I get to the Millennium Dome?"
Siri: "Getting directions to the O2"
Me: "How do I get to the O2?"
Siri: "I could not find any medical oxygen suppliers."
@blogjam What if Boss Hogg was the good guy...
@benwerd @warrenellis Well, they’re hosting their data in the Netherlands - it doesn’t say anything about the company moving.
@tomstuart You’re not very good at games. Keep practising!
@whoisdanw Not sure if that’s what you meant, reply to that too… anyway.
@iamdanw Upstairs Downstares. Dropcam Abbey.
@whoisdanw Go for it.
@whoisdanw Upstairs Downstares. Dropcam Abbey.
@paul_regan He’d be more upset if I sent him one of these dreary cards.
@knotnicky A house made of live monkeys built on foundations made of jelly?
@j0000d Yeah, and trying to do things generically, reusably, but having to put in dumb special cases. And… tweets are too short.
You can use all the OOCSS, BEM-naming, etc you like but CSS is still us trying to build elegant, solid skyscrapers out of jelly.
@j0000d I’m concluding that is all good stuff, and helps a lot, but doesn’t change the wibbly-wobbly nature of the raw material.
@j0000d Maybe that was the phrase I was struggling for. I’m on the brink of some revelatory “THIS IS INSANE, WHAT ARE WE DOING?!” moment.
Relatedly, slowly writing python at the weekends, after months of HTML/CSS/JS, has been a welcome change. It does exactly what you tell it.
What is writing CSS? I mean, it’s not programming. It’s so… ephemeral, artful, fragile, unconfined, unconcrete. (Not better/worse… other.)
@paul_regan I don’t think it’ll get there in time I’m afraid. Maybe next year.
All the people who have predicted universal teleworking would fit inside a rush hour tube train and they can stay there until they’re right.
@twisty Happy Birthday Mr Tim! Lovely cake!