2015-02-27 (Friday)
How we manage design work in Pivotal Tracker - Pivotal Tracker
How Pivotal Labs use Pivotal Tracker to manage design work, as opposed to development work, in an agile process (much of it isn’t specific to Pivotal Tracker). (via @antimega)
Development Aesthetics
Relentless images of and comment on the hoardings surrounding new developments, mostly in London.
@adrianshort Hmm, ta. This is all slightly more out of my comfort zone than I expected. Thought it’d be trivial!
@adrianshort I’ve been trying that but can’t see a way to output HTML with it.
@FidoThe Almost tempted to go back to my old method of just scraping the pages…
@FidoThe Just seen Pandoc… no idea how to integrate that into my python-based website.
@adrianshort Looks good… but I’ve no idea how to integrate that into my python-based website.
@FidoThe I looked at that list and somehow missed this. Ta. I’ll give it a whirl. Only slightly concerned by no activity in three years…
I thought that translating MediaWiki code into HTML using python would be easy… but I can’t find anything that does it. Am I being stupid?
ceci n'est pas une robe