2015-02-01 (Sunday)
Temporary archiving
Perma.cc’s terms of service include the right to delete anything and close without notice. Not really “the forever business” they promise.
Time Travel
Search for a URL and a date and this aggregates results from lots of different web archives.
What the Web Said Yesterday - The New Yorker
On the Internet Archive, Brewster Kahle, and attempts to archive the web in general.
A way to create an archived copy of a page for citation purposes. T&Cs say “WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, OR UNDERTAKINGS AS TO PERMANENCE OR THE DURATION OF PRESERVATION.” Brilliant.
@tomtaylor Yeah, nice. I think that was mentioned in a New Yorker article, now on my Pinboard.
@paulpod Yeah, printing a website out into a book that the British Library has to archive seems like a good bet.
When a permanent archiving service isn’t a permanent archiving service: gyford.com/phil/writing/2…
Liked tweets
Afterwards we drop into a quiet little place & have a drink or two/
And then I go & spoil it all by saying something stupid like “spamflaps”
Central Richmond, San Francisco, United States