2014-11-10 (Monday)
dariusk/corpora · GitHub
JSON files of lots of odd sets of data for making stuff with. I keep thinking of it as Pears Cyclopedia in JSON form. (via @tomtaylor)
@worldchampyon @samuelpepys Yes, this is “my Lady”: pepysdiary.com/encyclopedia/1…
@tomtaylor Thanks Tom.
@danielfogg I’m at the stage of trying to name CSS classes, which I’m not sure is the same thing :)
Naming things. Running out of generic-sounding yet still differentiating words.
@infovore “Terence Malick’s Pacific Rim” A Kaiju stares into the sun, reflecting on its past, its connectedness, then destroys Tokyo.
@paulwaltonlaw @samuelpepys I wasn’t aware of them at all, so no idea I’m afraid. They must take a while to listen to!
@mattsheret @tomcoates I'm usually pretty critical, and that first episode was awful. But it was certainly a good kids' show by the end.
@tomcoates I agree! Much less variable, fewer disappointing episodes. Watching it felt like less of a duty than usual by the end.