2014-10-28 (Tuesday)
“A CasperJS module for automating visual regression testing with PhantomJS and Resemble.js. For testing Web apps, live style guides and responsive layouts.” (via @tomstuart)
@joelanman But I’d need to install libsass instead, and that’s not as up to date as the Ruby version.
@joelanman SASS
Got Gulp working. Now my Python-based project has a dependency on Node as well as Ruby. 👍
@myfreeweb @avdi I’ve already got stuck into swearing at Gulp, but that might be handy for work (where we swear at Grunt). Ta!
@andylolz I’ll have a look into Gulp then, until PooPooWeeWee.js goes mainstream.
@andylolz Ha! I’ve only used Grunt, but not enough to be wedded to it, so wondering if I should use Gulp for a new project.
I was expecting someone to tell me Grunt and Gulp are both out of date and I should use Burp, Fart or PooPooWeeWee.js.
Grunt or Gulp or some other embarrassingly-named tool for concatenating CSS/JS, etc? RECKON NOW!
@foe Thanks, I think! I’ve just finished preparing the next month of tweets. It never ends.