2014-10-18 (Saturday)
dotfiles/.osx at master · mathiasbynens/dotfiles
An example script for setting loads of OS X system and application preferences. Although I so rarely set up a new computer, I quite enjoy doing it manually. But still, it hadn’t occurred to me to do this before. (via @tomstuart)
@agentGav Thanks Gavin, glad you like it!
@joe_malia @tomstuart I’m hoping “Joe, Joe, Alice and Joe” will have new verses added recounting your adventures. An epic song cycle.
I forgot that @samuelpepys was also on LiveJournal pepysdiary.livejournal.com He’s so old school.
@tomstuart @blech But your Shift finger is so much stronger! Mine has almost withered away!
@blech Yeah, I didn’t notice the change in default myself as I’d already set it that way.
@neb You can switch it back on in Sound system prefs - seems like they changed the default in Yosemite to ‘off’.