2014-09-30 (Tuesday)
Learning Susy | Zell Liew
This ($39) book’s good if you’re struggling to get to grips with Susy, the SASS/CSS layout framework. Does a nice job of explaining things in a way that makes more sense than the documentation.
Phil Gyford’s Things
A snapshot of my earliest home on the web, which I started sometime early 1995. This version from December 1996. The ~fabius section was, in retrospect, an early attempt at blogging, although I didn’t manage much.
@holgate For some reason I’d never looked to see if archive.org had a copy of my one-and-only ~ URL web.archive.org/web/1996122214…
@paul_regan Awww. Maybe you could get some bookplates made to stick in the front of each book, commemorating her?
@ntlk Glad it's not just me. Suzy seems to work very differently to others I've tried and my head's not there yet.
Devs: Anyone used Susy with SCSS? susy.oddbird.net Sounds great in theory, but I’ve found it pretty baffling. Am I a idiot?
@infovore @alicebartlett Hell, I was going to tow <cite>! Maybe I’ll pull a string of <dl>, <dt> and <dd>s.
@alicebartlett It’s tonight that we’re swimming the length of the Thames, pulling inflatable models of our favourite HTML tags. cu later!
@paulpod That’d be it :) Front-end dev is so complicated these days. I seem to spend a lot of time not writing code.
@paulpod Yes… Unless you can automate it using the same process that compiles the sass file? But even then…