2014-09-26 (Friday)
@spaceboy Worst London.
@waxpancake Because even without VC money, we just have the word of a few guys. Will they never change their minds? None of them? Ever?
@waxpancake But aside from LJ… what could Ello (or any new co) do that would ensure their promises are promises?
@waxpancake What is the company structure that would ensure such guarantees are actually guarantees? I mean, it’s not just “no VC money”…
@Zoonie Not quite what you’re after, but you might like open.spotify.com/user/tcarmody/…
@dexterous Thanks, I missed that one at the time! Now here: ourincrediblejourney.tumblr.com/post/984565242…
@schulze Yes, hence the doom and gloom :)
Even with the best intentions, what will ello's founders want to do in 10 years time? 30? No one knows, inc them. What about when they die?
Even without VCs, ello's future is reliant on the future whims of a majority of its founders. A company is not nec a stable long-term form.
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I keep being like "yeah but will it vape guys?"
And they're like "please leave us alone."