2014-07-14 (Monday)
@minor9th Why Don't YouTube
(I'll stop now)
@minor9th Think of a Numberwang
@minor9th Ivor the Nginx
@joe_malia @pixellent @alruii I looked for skills related to arms but there was only ‘Small Arms’. No ‘Big Arms’.
@Inspector_Sands 15 minutes queueing on the phone, but got there eventually! Maybe you can make their phone queue audio more interesting? :)
Does a bear shit in the woods? / Is the Pope Catholic? / Is there a queue at the Post Office?
We’re still looking for a great engineer to join our team and help build the next generation of our site + tools: blog.newspaperclub.com/2014/05/23/wer…
@helendmeyourear But maybe not closing a bigger PO that was nearby a couple of years ago, or building another one, would help more…
@helendmeyourear The City’s magazine had a bit pointing out the PO near Aldgate, in an effort to ease queues on Moorgate. E1 7BS.
@Sofaville Oh that’s good. I won’t overdo it then. This sounds easy!