2014-03-10 (Monday)
@robertmchardy Yeah. A busy weekend! Do you have anything there?
@dracos Unfortunately, luck and cpan have never, for me, been concepts encountered in close proximity.
@dracos I have no desire to learn any more about perl and cpan than I need to get this working as easily as possible :)
@dracos I only have one script I need it for now. Filed a ticket with WebFaction as I followed their CPAN guide and something’s not working.
@nickludlam Just getting it all in a single-language codebase, with a single sane database, would help any future migration.
@nickludlam Part of the current problem is that this site (like Pepys was) is a mixture of Movable Type and PHP, and a perl script or two.
@nickludlam Well when I get round to rewriting my entire site in Django, this problem will be history! Any day now. Oh yes. For sure. Deffo!
This is why people just let sites disappear from the web isn’t it.
At the point in moving servers where I’ve fixed the eight-year-old PHP but must now remind myself how to install CPAN modules.
@doingitwrong Thanks! Posted here: ourincrediblejourney.tumblr.com/post/791869404…
@holgate @nickludlam @stml Speakers “Sir Rake” and “Sir Ricketts” sound wonderfully fictional.
@jonty I have a yahoo.co.uk cap from when it launched that I don’t want. Mind you, I expect no one else will either.
@fjordaan Now you tell me! Now I just need a Github IED.
Given the relatively limited vocabulary, my tactic of typing vaguely applicable words into this Rails routes file should eventually work.
My email is probably working again now so, spammers, you may continue in your vital work.
In the unlikely event you’ve tried to send me email since yesterday, I’ve messed it up and need to work out how to unmess it.
Spent the night dreaming about FTPing files. Then had to explain how http works. Couldn't.