2014-02-09 (Sunday)
Interesting-looking information design agency, based in Milan and New York. (via The Functional Art)
How to buy my first bespoke suit – reader question - Permanent Style
Some good advice, but also for the interesting comments, especially from a couple of guys talking about do’s and dont’s in City firms.
Top 10 budget restaurants and bistros in Paris | Travel | theguardian.com
For future reference. I forget, but probably via Chris.
Lottie Dexter should quit - and take the Year of Code board with her - Adrian Short
This all sounds like such a horrible, shallow farce led by people who feel “entrepreneurship” is the sole thing that should be encouraged in children. Fuck that.
@GennHutchison Also, complicated as a substitute for complex/deep? That's what I thought about Inception, for example. Or Doctor Who.
Year of Learning How to Improve Education.
@alruii I hope things are OK.
@antimega How are Team GB doing in the Gumball Rally?
Shoulder ache / headache / sofa / Likely Lads. Not all bad.
@moleitau I've yet to hear of anyone claim they made it all the way through.
@mattsheret Wirecutter?
Liked tweets
@alicebartlett Jesus. I know, right. I once put the wrong magic nose plant in something and everyone was like WTF and I was all JESUS!