2014-01-20 (Monday)
@alanconnor Every time Alan Curtis posts something I think, “Maybe this time I’ll be able to watch the video…”
@alicebartlett @designswarm Political correctness gone mad! You’ll say “old lady”, “trouble and strife” and “ball and chain” are wrong next!
17 years of turning Photoshopped designs into HTML. I’ll be really good at it one day. #progress #careers #webmaster
@designswarm I occasionally do that. For me it’s a fond and ironic reference to Arthur Daley, not that this makes it go down any better :)
From the blog of the cyberstreetwise.com creators: “WHY LAZY DEVELOPERS ARE THE BEST DEVELOPERS”. nudgedigital.co.uk/blog
Waited half an hour to get served at Ozone Coffee. A free sit down! On the other hand, no coffee.
@alicebartlett @alruii Have a good day! Don’t let the bigger boys and girls take your lunch money.
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Estate agents on the Underground wondering if they can describe certain rooms as the 3D printing room: "You know, where the 3D printer goes"