2014-01-17 (Friday)
Bulkr: Backup, download flickr photos, videos, sets & more
For backing up all your Flickr stuff. not sure how the free and pro versions differ. (via @revdancatt)
Christians aren’t being driven out of public life – they’re just losing their unfair advantages
“Just as some men bleat that they are the oppressed because of feminism, Odone confuses a loss of advantage with an act of oppression. This is the shock of those who are losing their divine right to dominate.” (via @tomstuart)
@revdancatt @stml Is that a thing? Recycling your account because you only use Flickr, not other Yahoo sites?
@hdif I’m loving the podcasts - thank you! Making weekdays go much quicker.
@irvinebrown @Beeker For kids: standard.co.uk/goingout/clubb… For adults: theguardian.com/music/2012/apr…
Using Python to write CSS. #notsatire
@matthewward For sure. An additional factor would be the presence of one or more shops/cafés/etc with all-lowercase sans-serif signs.
Islington, England, United Kingdom
I think he's real.
Islington, England, United Kingdom
American suit behind me is talking about Exxon Mobul, crude oil, Congress, markets, spreads, with baseball metaphors. At the Shepherdess.
Islington, England, United Kingdom
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@iamdanw yes, upstairs on the left, just after the Genius Bar. But I'd give it 10 minutes if I were you.