2013-12-10 (Tuesday)
@tomcoates In one of the lifts at our office, if you open the door for the emergency phone it's empty except a note reading "You're fucked."
I would like some fresh thoughts; these ones are stale and over-thunk.
@spaceboy But isn't that easier than talking? #alwaysbeclosing
@moneydance Sorry, scratch that! After that everything started failing, and a restart has got things going again.
@moneydance I just dl’d the latest version but it crashes when I open it. I can send a crash report, but don’t know what email address?
@hondanhon Ha! I had entirely forgotten!
@hondanhon Er, thanks?
@jjg In 2013 it would have to have been “The Suck”.
@marrije No, I’m in a small company, so probably different-but-related problems. Hopefully simpler!
@marrije Great, thanks! I’ve read GTD, but not Berkun. And we’ve just dipped our first toe in Trello, so that looks really useful.
@marrije Getting from big ideas to manageable tasks that will take the right amount of time. (So, really, “most things”!)
Have you read any *really* good books/articles on project management, scrum, kanban, etc? Real world examples a bonus. I need to learn. Ta.
@rod That’s so like something from a darkly humorous dystopian movie…