2013-12-05 (Thursday)
I know many people roll their eyes at Adam Curtis, but no one writes these wide-ranging stories like he does, illustrated with video. (Even if I can’t watch the video because it’s Flash.)
The Historical Present - The Thread that Runs So True
Leslie Harpold, who died seven years ago, on the web. “The web is made of people holding hands for safety muddling through the mazes of life, love, work, success, failure, and everything in between.”
@hautepop @whoisdanw @iamdanw @jonty a) 30 somethings are still young, b) most people can't afford annual upgrades. :)
this I week tired am unusually need sleep I the all
@aanand I occasionally fantasise about a site that is mostly valid news stories, but every 10th one is Onion-esque nonsense.
@whoisdanw @iamdanw @jonty An upgrade cycle seems like an age to young people, but it’s only the length of a nice snooze to older folk.
@whoisdanw @iamdanw @jonty Yeah. I remember how amazingly quick it seemed when I first got it. And not *that* long ago.
This medium.com/cool-code-pal/… , and especially the uptight, humourless responses to it, is the first thing to make me want to post on Medium.
@tomtaylor @jonty One person managed to open the OLPC quickly. Was it @tominsam?
@jonty I knew my iPad was a bit out of date, but I didn’t realise it was a museum piece already.
OH “I still get the 500 error on Ed Balls.”
Liked tweets
My God - might need a dinghy to get home RT @LindsayScott27: @edinburghpaper nice day for a seat at newhaven harbour
It’s wonderful seeing @bobigail’s face light up when her new daughter smiles or when her phone plays Ken Branagh’s ringtone from “Wallander”