2013-11-29 (Friday)
Blair Neal | How to make an installation stay up 4evr (Mac OS X version)
Not sure I’ll need this, but nice write-up of how to set up a Mac to keep showing one thing in a gallery or similar. (via Antimega)
@whoisdanw Damp?
Now they’re both on GitHub, I’m looking forward to some kind of coding face-off between @benterrett and @schulze.
@pkqk Project Management in action!
@infovore @mildlydiverting Another indicator: small shops with all-lowercase signs.
@mildlydiverting Saw my first appear near Clapham Common in late 90s, so yes. I think that’s it’s sole purpose.
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Let's take a moment to remember all the brave men and women tonight who can't be with their families because our soldiers killed them