2013-10-30 (Wednesday)
How Has Twitter Changed the Role of the Literary Critic? - NYTimes.com
Some nice words about @samuelpepys.
@mattb @123rf Some of that user’s other photos look ripped off too. e.g. 123rf.com/photo_6164316_… vs flickr.com/photos/paulalo…
@yoz I wish I could witness all of this. The best road movie ever.
Just shared my Dopplr trips with a whole bunch of people I must have got to know only since I last used it. Goodbye Dopplr.
@paulpod Also, I can’t quite believe we’re discussing comedians’ political opinions like they’re all we have left.
@paulpod I was just pointed at Robert Webb’s response, which is quite good: newstatesman.com/2013/10/russel…
@mildlydiverting @spaceboy Who’s she? Vaguely familiar…
@blech Yes, but it was a sunny morning and I had plenty of time. Nice to get off the same old route occasionally. Don’t do it often enough.
@Rchards The roof terrace at One New Change on Cheapside - brilliant view, often pretty empty, free to access!