2013-09-17 (Tuesday)
@revdancatt Ah, we’ll see then. Good luck!
@revdancatt I only have a thing I’ve been making for fun, but naively thought I could throw it up somewhere and just leave it…?
@revdancatt I didn’t even know this was a thing. *adds another ticket to current Node project*
Not at all worried about big chunks of code going live. No, it’ll all be fine. Completely. Yup. Absolutely. IT’S PERFECTLY FINE DON’T PANIC!
@mik3yb @paulpod @macintosh Fair enough. I’ll just stand behind you and agree Mike, and stop butting in :)
@mik3yb @paulpod @macintosh Not sure what you’re arguing about - popular mass broadcast media in mainstream content shock!
@mik3yb @paulpod @macintosh A tautology though: the mainstream is always dominant :) But much easier to stumble across other stuff now.
@mik3yb @paulpod @macintosh As a teen I could only read about interesting music, or *maybe* hear it on the radio. Now: so much easy to try!
OH: “We’ve learned about ‘downtown’. Now, ‘What is “a layover”?’”