2013-08-14 (Wednesday)
This column will change your life: the guru who didn’t believe in gurus | Life and style | The Guardian
“…how problems arise: by minding…” This article has helped, I think.
“A JavaScript library, or box of goodies, if you will, that makes it easy to use a Google Spreadsheet as the database feeding the tables, charts and maps on a website.” (via Infovore)
Jonathan Coe reviews ‘The Wit and Wisdom of Boris Johnson’ edited by Harry Mount · LRB 18 July 2013
Very good on the futility, even dangerousness, of political satire and dismissing politicians as corrupt buffoons.
Loopy Ideas Are Fine, If You’re an Entrepreneur | Pedestrian Observations
Good on the vagueness and unreliability of the Hyperloop plans, and also on America’s willingness to unquestioningly think successful people can succeed at anything they fancy.
@whoisdanw I can only assume they pasted into the wrong CMS by mistake.
@tomskitomski “Normal” as in currently most common.
Being a commuter for a couple of days, like I’m a normal person.
@whoisdanw Totally!
@spaceboy I’m been with Tuffmail.com for a few years. @hondanhon recently switched to Fastmail.fm. Both cost money.
@metabrew If Elon Musk could have invented just one thing to make the world a better place…
@ianbetteridge I love the language in Google Translate’s version of that.
@whoisdanw Oooh, congrats, whatever it is! Lucky London.
“@danjwilson: @philgyford Replace slashes in the path component with colons, prefix with “spotify:” and paste into the app’s search field.”
@danjwilson Oh yes, thanks. What a brilliant, intuitive piece of UI!
@whoisdanw “save the playlist”?
Given a URL for a Spotify playlist, I can’t work out how to see the playlist in the Spotify desktop app. Is it me or Spotify that’s stupid?