2013-07-03 (Wednesday)
@abscond2 There’s a big Wetherspoons on High Holborn.
@greateranglia Ahhh, brilliant! That wasn’t very obvious :) Thanks for your help!
@greateranglia Out about 1820 on Friday, back sometime on Sunday.
@greateranglia LST to WTM, out on Friday evening.
@greateranglia Whenever I try to book an “open return” on your site, it only shows me day returns. Am I doing something wrong?
Done enough computing this week, and yet the days stretch out.
Twitter updates their API Display Requirements. Still require you to display tweets on your own site in a specific way. Nutters.
@minor9th #16161D is the new #000000 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eigengrau
@ianbetteridge It does baffle/frustrate me how bad Labour are at promoting their good things. Too scared of turning some people off.
@jazzpazz Thanks - I’ll keep my eye on it in case they close something down.
My Twitter stream this morning reads even more like Jenny Holzer’s reject list than usual.
@tomcoates I hope they DM’d @houseofcoates. It’s the house’s electricity, after all, even if you pay for it.
Liked tweets
@robdelaney Ahh, Dorian Gray jokes never get old.