2013-05-08 (Wednesday)
@pkqk @owenblacker Doesn’t surprise me. (Me and NL made a pre-Redux proof of concept service years ago for the BBC!)
@owenblacker Not as far as I know.
@mildlydiverting @engineeringdept No, me too. I see it as a very, very slow rollout of a service. Eventually everyone will have access.
@engineeringdept Yeah, yeah, I bet that’s what everyone says.
@paulpod Ah, thanks for the hint. I feel like I’ve closed that waiting open loop now.
I wonder which has/had more non-BBC employees accessing it.
/UK Nova/BBC Redux/
/BBC Redux/UK Nova/
@holgate Interestingly American problems… having to do coffee refills, customers’ fussiness about eggs.
@whoisdanw Or cycled down it. Or driven along it. I’m sure the architect’s impressions looked lovely though.
@paulpod (Or your co could get the fab @tomstuart in to teach people Git - sounds like he did great stuff with GDS.)
@paulpod I found gitref.org useful. Not sure if there’s anything newer and better.