2013-04-25 (Thursday)
Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied | Artist Talks at The Photographers’ Gallery | The Photographers’ Gallery
Geocities, 90s web culture, etc. Could be good, see you there.
@thisisaaronland @moleitau Also, he’ll know you’re walking past.
A talk at Photographers’ Gallery in May from the One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age folks. Geocities, 90s web culture, etc. thephotographersgallery.org.uk/olia-lialina-d…
@iamdanw There must be an open source Google Glass competitor clunking its user-unfriendly way to a YouTube video any day, surely?
@chrislunch @pixellent Did you glue it down?
Wondering what emails I can send to everyone at GDS on their #noemailday, so that tomorrow is #catchinguponextraemailday.
@tedmills Oh, and I read that Songkick is apparently a good gig-listings replacement.
@tedmills Are Last.fm’s listings any good for that?