2013-04-17 (Wednesday)
Exquisite Tweets from @quantick
David Quantick’s imagined mourners at Thatcher’s funeral.
Thatcher Fucked The Kids.
@rex3000 I hope you make a speedy recovery!
@paulpod I’ve rejected several submissions precisely because they didn’t meet the “acquihire and delete all content” criteria.
@tomstuart Ho ho. If Matter was deleting all existing content then I would be taking a screen capture right now.
@bobbiejohnson @readmatter @Medium Congrats! :)
@gwire Who could possibly have imagined that there would be some culture differences between the two Wireds?!
@matlock @quantick Collected for convenience: exquisitetweets.com/collection/phi…
@joe_malia DJ Jazzy Geoff Hoon & The Fresh Prime Minister
@joe_malia Tony! Toni! Toné! Benn
@tominsam @wonderlandblog Same here. No rush, and the landscape may change between now and then. I only want to switch once.
Re gov.uk: guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2… “it is difficult see where the design is.” It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool…
(As evidenced by me linking to the wrong article. let’s try again.)
(Also, trying to share stuff you read in the Guardian’s otherwise decent iPad app is maddening.)
@foe @moleitau Good luck, have fun!
Liked tweets
George tries to pick up a woman by claiming to be a cop that arrested a suspect in Boston case. CNN producer overhears it, runs it as fact.
Jar Jar Binks, blacked up and carrying a banjo and a watermelon.
The cast of Operation Yew Tree.