2013-03-21 (Thursday)
EDC Gear
Oh, way too many cool little things for your pockets, none of which I need at all.
webgamingcentral - YouTube (SimCity)
I keep meaning to watch some of these SimCity playthrough videos, as I find it fascinating… but if I was wondering how I’d justify the time required to play the game, I’m not sure I can justify watching other people play it.
Find The Thing You’re Most Passionate About, Then Do It On Nights And Weekends For The Rest Of Your Life | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source
“I can’t stress this enough: Do what you love…in between work commitments, and family commitments, and commitments that tend to pop up and take immediate precedence over doing the thing you love.” (via @secretbean)
@holgate I’ve used Postmarkapp.com and been happy with it.
@hondanhon Yes, haven’t had any problems with it.
@blech Adding “film” or “movie” is interesting too.
@minor9th Twitter’s like Care In The Community.
@tomcoates @minor9th We should totally get him fired! Oh, wait, he’s leaving anyway, damn. Let’s fire you instead for making a fuss! And me!
Maybe Vint Cerf or someone can get this all over with and fire everyone on the Internet.
@whoisdanw Inappropriate language. FIRED!
@yoz By the time I hear about one of these things there’s been: Event; Reaction; Twitter hate; Refutation; Firing… Hard to piece together.
@beekernortham It was all SPLATTERY KILL ALIENS WITH MASSIVE GUNS FOR AGES then a weepy bit about his old dad THEN SPLATTERY KILL ALIENS…
@alruii Ooh, ooh! Prad Bitt? Wuce Brillis? Cenedict Bumberbatch? Or something more like DJ Puggle Wuggle?
@beekernortham I found the Gears of War “story” cut scenes laughably po-faced and irrelevant, so find it hard to take that seriously…
@aanand The answer is a very patient and determined human, who shall be known as Botman or Botwoman!
@hondanhon I’ve never relied on Gmail in the first place for just this kind of reason. Plenty of viable alternatives in this case.
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Really, the root of this whole problem is Python itself. I mean, semantically relevant whitespace? What did they THINK would happen!?
@cdevers In this case the Brits!. Never add a possessive or plural “s” (or hyphen) 2 'LEGO' & always add a descriptive noun (eg LEGO bricks)