2013-01-24 (Thursday)
Using the correct period anti-aliasing.
Trapped in Keynote.
@pixellent That’d be great - you’d be in time for the singalong and fire-eating!
@pixellent No, just not worth it if you won’t be watching. I’ll leave all the animals at home too.
@pixellent I’m not sure I’ll bother with the costumes now then.
@pixellent What?! Jeez, I won’t take it personally or anything, no, not at all, nuh-uh. Tsk.
And now, here is a reminder about fallout warnings. When fallout is expected, you will hear three tweets, like this.
@alicebartlett How do you manage to do those crosswords?!
@russelldavies @tominsam [Does RSS gang sign] As I sleeplessly read feeds at 4am I smiled at another chance to read all Tom’s recent posts.