2012-12-04 (Tuesday)
That reassuring feeling when @wirecutter declares a thing the best thing & it’s the same thing you bought ages ago after researching things.
Just finished two months at @berglondon. Phew, quite a blur. I’ll miss you all! But now, mostly holiday until sometime in 2013.
@bobigail Yay, well done!
@gwire OK, that doesn’t sounds quite so upbeat and fun, but it’s ACCURATE.
@rooreynolds I mean, I’m a nuclear physicist with no experience. Also, a lion tamer with no experience!
@rooreynolds Aren’t dancers with no experience just… “people”?
@benhammersley @garrettc I had that and, earlier, the non-folding Newton keyboard… never used either. I’m obviously not road warrior enough.
@rooreynolds One of the many retirement possibilities I see is wandering around central London just giving people directions. It’d be ace.
@rooreynolds @revdancatt If you were paying for website hosting you wouldn’t expect your sites to stay up after you stopped paying.