2012-10-11 (Thursday)
@yoz Ta!
@bensummers Thank for doing that - I wasn’t sure I could face the same process. So many!
Two votes for handlebarsjs.com (thanks chaps), no votes for anything else.
Is there an answer to this: What’s the best, most practical, least hipster-Coffeescript-like, JavaScript templating thing?
@bobigail GO!
@tomtaylor \o/
@phl Shatterproof. I can see we have some branding/messaging issues.
Getting stuck in to Project Bent Ruler. (Unofficial project codename.)
@macintosh Many cyclists go in front even if drivers haven’t parked in the box. Anyway, not arguing, simply reporting something I saw :)
It takes a nation of one PCSO to hold back the cyclists to the Advanced Stop Line.