2012-10-08 (Monday)
Some bits about “midcult”, Dwight Macdonald’s term for middlebrow culture.
Skala Preview, a Mac app by Bjango
Quite magic Mac and iOS app for previewing graphics on iOS devices. Live updates as you change things in Photoshop.
@spaceboy You should get it fixed.
@designswarm If that’s BRIG, I was there before anyone this morning :)
@davelee @nevali @ruskin147 Ta. I understand - it’s always annoying when you’re concentrating on writing, but does feel like an omission.
@davelee @nevali @ruskin147 Ta! Out of interest, is there a reason Media UK, Radioplayer, Capital’s app, etc don’t get links?
Why doesn’t this BBC News story about the new iPlayer Radio NOT LINK TO IT? Or Radioplayer. bbc.in/PPrMrl Strewth, blood from a stone
@revdancatt @blech I’d never have found double-tap to like. But then I don’t like much anyway :)
@revdancatt Yeah, and I still think it means “zoom in” too.
@revdancatt Apparently that’s new normal intuitive behaviour. bit.ly/QMa0Yt I’d never heard of or used such a thing before!
@ianbetteridge Such a bad analogy and yet people seem to love it!
@thatdamnbray Unfortunately @samuelpepys couldn’t continue writing his diary past May 1669 because his eyes got too bad.