2012-10-02 (Tuesday)
A List Apart: Articles: Application Cache is a Douchebag
Jake Archibald on exactly how this is a royal pain. One day down and I’ve still not got it working properly.
Unattributed tweets with links posted to someone else’s Pinboard/Delicious accounts do confuse me with their first-person-ness.
@PaulStroble @whshep @HenriNouwen Not a hiatus - as his last tweets say, his eyes got so bad he couldn’t write his diary any more.
@mildlydiverting @tomcoates @ianbetteridge “Is this the right room for an argument?” “No, it’s Twitter.”
@tomcoates You should totally pick a fight with anyone who expressed an opinion in a newspaper today. Shouldn’t take long!
@abscond Gary Gilmore’s Thighs. #replaceeyeswiththighs #onefortheoldies
@MatesL @GreatDismal Looks like a good story, but I don’t think it’s related to Imposter Syndrome at all!
@GreatDismal @MatesL And the converse, Imposter Syndrome: bit.ly/Vagchj
@macintosh @ianbetteridge Yeah, no iPhone 5 bumpers around at all, except for all the iPhone 5 bumpers you can buy.
@ianbetteridge @macintosh “I make informed and rational purchasing decisions, but others are stupid and just buy the shiny thing.”