2012-09-12 (Wednesday)
Went from reading the live Apple keynote to watching Sunday's NFL game. From one overly-drawn-out spectacle to another. Ha ha I funny!
@secretbean Tiny, years-old iPod Shuffle.
@matthewward Audio Technica ATH-M50 seem a popular choice - so I got some and like them lots. bit.ly/OGxTir
@bergcloud Not “Blog”, “Blog Po…” oh i’ll shut up.
@mildlydiverting Yeah, I usually find I want even normal desks to be slightly lower. Not sure why some people seem to like higher desks.
They nice! RT @makielab: We're looking for a front end whizz to get stuck into our html and css. Junior to middling, on a freelance contract
@moleitau @cityofsound @matthewward Yeah, you lost me at the word “startups” (with its all its connotations).
@agentGav Congratulations! I see what you were excited about :)
@plsj Often! (Not you!)
Liked tweets
@russelldavies never listen to Eno on a Ferry. He gets upset.
Croydon, England, United Kingdom