2012-09-11 (Tuesday)
Doing something
Programming scratches the same itch that building Lego used to when I was a kid.
@blech Me too. Feels like I've been doing it wrong, but that always seemed the most satisfying thing to do, make what was on the box.
@iamdanw K9 might not be technically a dog, but I tend to think he’s like a Dalek, and there’s a real dog inside, so it still counts.
@PeekyChew I’m glad it’s been useful! Keep it up!
@iamdanw Lassie, Snoopy, Laika, K9.
I’m looking for new work. If anyone knows anyone who needs a tech writer/blogger, feel free to mention my name.
@zzgavin @benterrett @jamesweiner I don’t even know what one of those is! How can that be one of the main cheeses?
@designswarm Wooo, well done all!
@benterrett @jamesweiner Cheddar, stilton, something French, something Italian.
Yes, yes, you’re all very funny. So many DMs.
Every Twitter DM results in an email, a Growl alert, an OS X notification, an SMS, and an iOS notification. I’m probably over-doing it.
@russelldavies @benterrett What are the four main game shows then?
Liked tweets
The four main four main discussions: chocolate bars; movies; cheese; conspiracies.